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Proceedings and Debates of the 1867 Constitutional Convention
Volume 74, Page 561   View pdf image (33K)
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Cosgrove, Howison, Roman,
Cover, Jones, Stoddert,
Cunningham, Keating, Syester,
Dorsey, Massey, Tarr, of Wor.
Franklin, Maulsby, Thomas,
Garey, McMaster, Toadvine,
Giddings, McPherson, Walsh—38.
Messrs. Henderson, Parker,
Austin, Hodson, Parran, John
Barnes, Hubbard, Peters,
Bell, Ireland, Rennolds,
Brewer, of Mont. Jamison, Rider,
Buchanan, Kilbourn, Riggs,
Carter, Lee, Ritchie,
Devries, Longwell, Starr,
Dobbin, Manro, Tarr, of Car.
Duvall, Marbury, Vansant,
Emack, McCormick, Watkins, of Car.
Ferry, Merrick, Watkins, of M,
Galt, Merryman, Wethered,
George, Morris, Wilkinson—43.
Goldsborough, D. Page,
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Maulsby was rejected.
Mr. Devries submitted the following amendment as a sub-
stitute for the substitute submitted by Mr, Merrick :
"The qualified voters of the several counties of the State,
shall, on the day of November, eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven, elect one Judge for the Orphans' Court of
the several counties, respectively, to serve for four years, who
shall be a legal voter of the county for which they may he
elected, at least one year next preceding their election; they
shall have all the powers now vested in the Orphans' Courts,
subject to such changes as the Legislature may direct, and
receive such compensation as now is or may be hereafter by
law allowed; it shall be the duty of one of the Circuit Judges
of each circuit, at least four times in each year, to sit with the
Orphans' Court Judge, to review the proceedings of said
Court, and decide all disputed cases arising in said Court;
in case of temporary sickness, the Register of Wills shall,
for the time being, exercise all the duties of said Judge, and
in case of death, until a Judge is appointed by the Governor."
The question recurring upon the adoption of the substitute,
Mr. Stoddert demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1867 Constitutional Convention
Volume 74, Page 561   View pdf image (33K)
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