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Proceedings and Debates of the 1867 Constitutional Convention
Volume 74, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)
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Court for the City of Baltimore, and prescribe its jurisdiction
and powers; in which case there shall he elected by the
voters of said city, qualified under this Constitution, another
Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, who shall be
subject to the same constitutional provisions, hold his office
for the same term of years, receive the same compensation,
and have the same power as is herein provided for the Judges
of said Supreme Bench of Baltimore City; and all of the
provisions of this Constitution relating to the assignment
of Judges to the Courts now existing in said city, and for the
dispatch of business therein, shall apply to the Court for
whose creation provision is made by this Section. And the
General Assembly may re-apportion the jurisdiction among
the several Courts in Baltimore City, from time to time, as
in its judgment the public interest and convenience may re-
Which, on motion of Mr. Carter,
Was ordered to be entered on the Journal.
The hour having arrived for taking up the order of the
The Convention proceeded to the consideration of Fart V,
Orphans' Courts, Sec. 38.
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. Brent to the substitute submitted by Mr. Merrick for the-
whole Section,
It was rejected.
Mr. Maulsby submitted the following amendment to the
substitute :
Strike out the word "three," and insert the word "two,"
between the words "elect" and "men."
The question recurring upon the adoption of the amend-
Mr. Stoddert demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Gill, Mitchell,
Carmichael, Pr't. Hardcastle, Motter,
Alvey, Hayden, Murray,
Archer, Hoblitzell, Nelson,
Brent, Hollyday, Parran, Chas. S
Brown, Horsey, of Fred. Pole,

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1867 Constitutional Convention
Volume 74, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)
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