The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Perry, Motter,
Carmichael, Pr't. Galt, Murray,
Archer, Giddings, Page,
Brent, Gill, Pole,
Brown, Hollyday, Starr,
Buchanan, Horsey, of Fred. Stoddert,
Cosgrove, Kennedy, Syester,
Cunningham, Massey, Toadvine,
Devries, Maulsby, Wethered—26.
Messrs. Hoblitzell, Mitchell,
Alvey, Hodson, Morris,
Austin, Howison, Nelson,
Barnes, Hubbard, Nicolai,
Barry, Ireland, Parker,
Bell, Jamison, Parran, John,
Brewer, of Mont. Janvier, Peters,
Carter, Jones, Eennolds,
Cover, Keating, Eider,
Dobbin, Kilbourn, Riggs,
Dorsey, Lee, Ringgold,
Duvall, Longwell, Ritchie,
Emack, Manro, Roman,
Franklin, Marbury, Tarr, of Caroline
Garey, McCormick, Tarr, of Worces'r.
George, McKaig, Thomas,
Goldsborough, D. McMaster, Vansant,
Groome, McPherson, Walsh,
Hardcastle, Merrick, Watkins, of Car,
Hayden, Merryman, Watkins, of M.
Henderson, —60.
So the substitute submitted by Mr. Devries,
Was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the substitute submit-
ted by Mr. Merrick,
It was adopted.
The section, as amended, was then read.
Pending the reading of Section 39,
On motion of Mr. Merrick,
The section was stricken out.
Pending the reading of new Section 39,