The question then recurring upon the substitute submitted
by Mr. Mackubin,
Mr. John Parran submitted the following amendment to
the amendment submitted by Mr. Mackubin :
"Within thirty days:"
"Which was adopted.
The question then recurring upon the substitute submitted
by Mr. Mackubin, as amended,
It was adopted.
'The section, as amended,
Was then read.
The Convention then proceeded to the consideration of
Part. V, Orphans' Courts, Section 38 ;
Pending which,
Mr. Merrick submitted the following amendment as a sub-
stitute for the whole section :
The qualified voters of the City of Baltimore, and of the
several counties, shah, on the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in November next, and on the same day in every
fourth year thereafter, elect three men to be Judges of the
Orphans' Court of said city and counties, respectively, who
shall be citizens of the State, and residents for the twelve
months preceding, in the city or county for which they may
be sleeted. They shall have all the powers now vested in
the Orphans' Courts of the State, subject to such changes as
the Legislature may prescribe. Each of said Judges shall
be paid a per diem for the time they are actually in session,
to te regulated by law, and to be paid by the said city or
counties, respectively. In case of a vacancy in the office of
Judge of the Orphans' Court, the Governor shall appoint,
subject to confirmation or rejection by the Senate, some suit-
able person to fill the same for the residue of the term ;
Pending the consideration of which,
Mr. Hammond submitted the following amendment as a
substitute :
Sec. 38. The qualified voters of the City of Baltimore, and
of the several counties of the State, shall, on the Tuesday
next after the first Monday of November, in the year 1867,
and on the same day in every fourth year thereafter, elect two
men to be styled " Judges of the Orphans' Court," of said
city and counties, respectively, who shall be citizens of the
State of Maryland, and qualified voters therein, and residents