of the city and county from which they maybe chosen. They
stall have all the power now vested in the Orphans' Courts
of this State, subject to such changes therein as the Legisla-
ture may prescribe; and they shall be paid a per diem rate for
the time the Court is in session, to be fixed by the Legisla-
ture, and paid by the said city and counties, respectively,
provided its sessions do not exceed one day in each week.
It is intended further to provide that the Judge of the Cir-
cuit Court for the City of Baltimore, and of the counties, res-
pectively, shall have and exercise appellant jurisdiction over
the decisions of the said Orphans' Court, and for the better
performance of said duty, shall hold special Court once in
each quarter, to be styled " Sessions of the Orphans' Court,
to have and decide appeals," and which decisions shall be
Which was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the substitute submitted
by Mr. Merrick,
Mr. Brent submitted the following amendment to the sub-
stitute :
After the words "Orphans' Courts of the State," insert
the words " except the power to order sales of real estate ;"
Pending the consideration of which,
(By unanimous consent,)
Mr. Barnes, Chairman Select Committee, submitted the
The Committee appointed under the following order, to-wit :
By the Convention,
Ordered, That the Committee upon Public Works and
Corporations be instructed to investigate such of the proceed-
ings of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore as may be
deemed necessary by said Committee, and particularly rela-
tive to the endorsement by the city of Baltimore of the Union
Railroad Company's bonds, and to the building of a new City
Hall, and that John H. Barnes, Outerbridge Horsey and Fen-
dall Marbury, members of said Committee, be a Sub-Com-
mittee to proceed to Baltimore and there make the investiga-
By order,