Which was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the amendment submit-
ted by Mr. Mitchell,
On motion of Mr. Mitchell,
At 10 o'clock, P. M., the Convention adjourned.
SATURDAY, August 3, 1867.
The Convention met.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Burke.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Alvey, Archer, Barnes,
Barry, Bell, Brent, Brewer, of Montgomery, Brown, Carter,
Cover, Cunningham, Devries, Duvall, Emack, Evans, Far-
nandis, Ferry, Flaherty, Ford, Galt, Garey, Giddings,
Gill, Goldsborough, of Dorchester, Groome, Hammond,
Hardcastle, Hayden, Hodson, Hollyday, Howison, Hubbard,
Jamison, Jones, Keating, Kilbourn, Longwell, Mackubin,
Marbury, Maulsby, McCormick, McMaster, McPherson,
Merrick, Merryman, Mitchell, Morris, Murray, Kelson,
Page, Chas. S. Parran, John Parran, Perry, Pleasants,
Pole, Ritchie, Roman, Silver, Spates, Stoddert, Syester,
Tarr, of Worcester, Thomas, Toadvine, Walsh, Watkins, of
Caroline, Watkins, of Montgomery, Wickes—69.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
The Convention then resumed the consideration of the
unfinished business of yesterday,
Being the Report of the Committee upon the Judiciary
The question then recurring upon the amendment sub-
mitted by Mr. Mitchell, on yesterday, to Section 12,
Fending which,
On motion of Mr. Devries,
The vote by which the amendment submitted by Mr.
Mackubin as a substitute for the amendment submitted by
Mr. Mitchell was rejected,
Was reconsidered.
Mr. Mitchell (by unanimous consent) withdrew the amend-
ment submitted by him.