Messrs. Gill, Morris,
Carmichael, Pr't. Goldsborough, D. Murray,
Alvey, Groome, Nicolai,
Bell, Hall, Page,
Brewer, of Mont. Hardcastle, Parker,
Brown, Hoblitzell, Parran, John
Carter, Hollyday, Perry,
Cover, Jones, Pleasants,
Cunningham, Keating, Pole,
Devries, Lee, Riggs,
Dobbin, Longwell, Stoddert,
Dorsey, Mackubin, Tarr, of Worc'r,,
Duvall, Maulsby, Thomas,
Emack, McCormick, Toadvine,
Evans, McMaster, Walsh,
Farnandis, McPherson, Wickes—49.
Ferry, Merrick,
So the motion to adjourn did not prevail.
The question then recurring upon the motion submitted by
Mr. Maulsby,
It was sustained,
And the Convention at 3| o'clock, P. M., took a recess
until 8 o'clock this P. M.