Bradley, Hardcastle, Riggs,
Brent, Hoblitzell, Ritchie,
Brewer, B. city. Hodson, Rogers,
Brewer, of Mont. Howison, Roman,
Brooke, Hubbard, Silver,
Cosgrove, Jamison, Spates,
Cover, Keating, Stoddert,
Denson, Kilbourn, Tarr, Car.
Dobbin, Longwell, Tarr, Worc'r,
Dorsey, Massey, Thomas,
Duvall, Maulsby, Toadvine,
Emack, McPherson, Vansant,
Ferry, Mitchell, Wallace,
Finley, Morris, Watkins, of Car,.
Ford, Murray, Watkins, of Mon.,
Garey, Nelson, Whitman—61.
George, Parran, C. S.
Messrs. Farnandis, McMaster,
Carmichael, Prt. Gill, Merrick,
Alvey, Hayden, Page,
Bell, Hollyday, Parker,
Brown, Horsey, of Fred. Perry,
Carter, Jones, Pleasants,
Cunningham, Lee, Walsh,
Devries, Mackubin, Wickes—25.
Evans, McCormick,
So the motion prevailed, and
The Report was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.
Mr. Maulsby moved that the Convention do now take a re-
cess until 8 o'clock, this P. M.;
Mr. Rider moved that the Convention do now adjourn,
The question being upon concurring in the motion.
Mr. Jones demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Hodson, Ritchie,
Austin, Horsey, of Fred. Roman,
Barnes, Howison, Spates,
Bennett, Hubbard, Tarr, of Car.
Cosgrove, Parran, Chas. S. Vansant,
Denson, Peters, Watkins, of Mont,
George, Rider, Whitman—21.