The Convention met.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Alvey, Archer, Bell,.
Brent, Brewer, of Montgomery, Brooks, Brown, Carter, Cun-
ningham, Devries, Dobbin, Dorsey, Duvall, Emack, Evans,
Farnandis, Ford, Giddings, Gill, Goldsborough, of Dorches-
ter, Groome, Hall, Hammond, Hardcastle, Hayden, Hob-
litzell, Hodson, Hollyday, Horsey, of Frederick, Howison,
Hubbard, Jamison, Jones, Keating, Lee, Longwell, Mac-
kubin, Maulsby, McCormick, McMaster, McPherson, Mer-
rick, Mitchell, Morris, Motter, Murray, Nelson, Page, Par-
ker, Chas. S. Parran, John Parran, Perry, Pleasants, Pole,
Riggs, Ritchie, Roman, Silver, Spates, Stoddert, Thomas,
Toadvine, Walsh, Watkins, of Montgomery, Wickes—66.
On motion of Mr. Jones,
The Sergeant-at-Arms was ordered to notify all the absent
members now in the city, to give their attendance, and to
bring them before the bar of the House ;
After an absence of tea minutes, the Sergeant-at-Arms re-
turned, and reported that all the members now in the city
were in attendance.
The Convention then proceeded to the consideration of the
unfinished business of the morning's session,
Being the Report of the Committee upon the Judiciary
The question recurring upon the 25th Section of the Report,
Which was read.
Pending the reading of the 26th Section,
On motion of Mr, Carter,
The Convention took up for consideration the following
amendment, as submitted by Mr. Page, and adopted in
Committee of the Whole, on Monday, July 22d :
Strike out all down to the word "they," inclusive, in line
4, and insert in lieu thereof, "the said Clerks;"
Which was adopted.
The Section, as amended, was then read.
On motion of Mr. Walsh,