Messrs. Groome, Parran, Chas. S.
Austin. Hall, Parran, John,
Barnes, Hammond, Peters,
Bell, Hardcastle, Pleasants,
Bradley, Henderson, Pole,
Brent, Hoblitzell, Rider,
Brewer, of B. City Hodson, Riggs,
Brewer, of Mont. Horsey, of Fred. Ritchie,
Brooke, Howison, Rogers,
Carter, Hubbard, Roman,
Cosgrove, Keating, Silver,
Cover, Kilbourn, Spates,
Denson, Longwell, Stoddert,
Dobbin, Massey, Tarr, of Caroline,
Dorsey, Maulsby, Tarr, of Wor.
Duvall, McPherson, Thomas,
Emack, Merrick, Toadvine,
Ferry, Mitchell, Vansant,
Finley, Morris, Wallace,
Ford, Murray, Watkins, of Car.
George, Nelson, Watkins, of Mon.
Gill, Nicolai, Whitman—66.
Goldsborough, D.
Messrs. Garey, McCormick,
Alvey, Hollyday, McMaster,
Brown, Jamison, Page,
Cunningham,, Jones, Parker,
Devries, Kennedy, Walsh,
Evans, Lee, Wickes—19.
Farnandis, Mackubin,
So the motion for the previous question,
Was sustained.
The question then recurring upon sustaining the motion
submitted by Mr. Rider,
Mr. Page demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Goldsborough, D. Parran, John,
Austin, Groome, Peters,
Barnes, Hall,. Pole,
Bennett, Hammond, Rider,