Messrs. Ford, Motter,
Archer, Galt, Murray,
Barry, Goldsborough, T. Nelson,
Bateman, Janvier, Parran, John,
Bell, Keating, Pleasants,
Buchanan, Kilbourn, Riggs,
Carter, Lee, Ritchie,
Cover, Longwell, Starr,
Cunningham, Mackubin, Syester,
Dobbin, Manro, Thomas,
Evans, Maulsby, Toadvine,
Farnandis, Merrick, Vansant,
Finley, Mitchell, Walsh—38.
Messrs. Gill, McCormick,
Carmichael, P't, Hall, McKaig,
Austin, Hammond, McMaster,
Barnes, Hoblitzell, Morris,
Bennett, Hodson, Parker,
Bradley, Hollyday, Terry,
Brown, Horsey, of Fred. Rennolds,
Devries, Howard, Spates,
Dorsey, Howison Watkins, of Mo.
Duvall, Jamison, Wickes—30.
So the motion submitted by Mr. Farnandis prevailed,
And the memorial was laid on the table.
Mr. Watkins, of Montgomery, submitted the following
Ordered, That on and after Monday, the 15th inst, this Con-
vention shall have two sessions per day, beginning at 9 1/2
A. M., and 4| o'clock, P. M.;
Which, on motion, of Mr. Buchanan,
Was laid on the table.
Mr. Maulsby gave notice that he would, on Monday next,
submit an order, that the Convention hold two daily sessions,
beginning at 10 o'clock, A. M., and 8 o'clock, P. M.
Mr. Barnes, Chairman of the Committee upon Public
Works and Corporations, submitted the following Report:
SECTION 1. The Governor, the Comptroller of the Treas-
ury, and the Treasurer, shall constitute the Board of Public