Works in this State. They shall keep a journal of their
proceedings, and shall hold regular sessions in the city of
Annapolis on the first Wednesday in January, April, July
and October, in each year, and oftener if necessary; at which
sessions they shall hear and determine such matters as affect
the Public Works of the State, and as the General Assembly
may confer upon them the power to decide.
SEC. 2. They shall exercise a diligent and faithful super-
vision of all Public Works in which the State may be inter-
ested as stockholder or creditor, and shall, except where
herein otherwise provided, appoint the Directors in every
rail road or canal company in which the State has the legal
power to appoint Directors, which said Directors shall repre-
sent the State in all meetings of the stockholders of every
rail road or canal company in which the State is a stock-
holder. They shall require the Directors of all said Public
Works (to guard the public interest, and prevent the estab-
lishment of tolls which shall discriminate against the inter-
est of the citizens or products of this State) and shall from
time to time, and as often as there shall be any change in
the rates of toll on any of the said Works, to furnish said
Board of Public Works a schedule of such modified rates of
toll, and so adjust them as to promote the agricultural inter-
ests of the State, they shall report to the General Assembly
at each regular session, and recommend such legislation as
they may deem necessary and requisite to promote or pro-
tect the interests of the State in the said Public Works , they
shall perform such other duties as may be hereafter pre-
scribed by law; and a majority of them shall be competent
to act. The Governor, Comptroller and Treasurer, shall re-
ceive no additional salary for services rendered by them as
members of the Board of Public Works.
Sec. 3. Unless the General Assembly of this State shall
otherwise direct by law, the' Trustees named in a Deed of
Mortgage from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, to
Phineas Janney and others, executed on the 5th day of June,
1848, in pursuance of the Act of Assembly of 1844, Chapter
281, and their successors shall be authorized and empowered
until the first Monday in June, 1883, to cast the vote of the
State of Maryland as a Stockholder in the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal Company, at all meetings of the Stockholders of
said Company.
Provided, however, that no person shall be chosen as
President of the said Company who shall not have been for
five years immediately preceding his election a citizen and
resident of the State of Maryland, and provided further, that
of the six Directors authorized to be elected by the charter
of said Company, five shall have been for five years imme-