FRIDAY, July 12th, 1867.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Hammond.
Present at the call of the roll the following members:
Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Archer, Austin, Barnes,
Barry, Bateman, Bell, Bennett, Bradley, Brent, Brewer, of
Baltimore city, Brewer, of Montgomery, Brown, Buchanan,
Carter, Chambers, Cover, Cunningham, Dent, Devries, Dob-
bin, Dorsey, Duvall, Emack, Evans, Farnandis, Ferry, Fin-
ley, Flaherty,Ford, Galt, Garey, George, Gill, Goldsborough,
of Talbot, Hall, Hammond, Henderson, Hoblitzell, Hodson,
Hollyday, Horsey, of Frederick, Horsey of Somerset, Howard,
Howison, Ireland, Jamison, Janvier, Keating, Kilbourn,
Lee, Longwell, Mackubin, Manro, Massey, Maulsby, McCor-
mick, McKaig, McMaster, Merrick, Mitchell, Morris, Motter,
Murray, Nelson, Nicolai, Parker, John Parran, Perry, Pleas-
ants, Rennolds, Rider, Riggs, Ritchie, Roman, Spates, Starr,
Syester, Tarr, of Caroline, Thomas, Toadvine, Vansant,
Walsh, Watkins, of Caroline, Watkins, of Montgomery,
Wethered, Wickes—84.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
Mr, McMaster presented the remonstrance of W. J. 8.
Clarke, Samuel D. Melvin, James A. Melvin and fifty other
citizens of Worcester county, against the formation of pro-
proeed. new county out of portions of Somerset and Worces-
ter counties ;
Which was read, and,
On motion of Mr. McMaster,
Referred to select Committee upon that subject.
Mr. Farnandis presented the memorial of the Public
School State Teachers' Association ;
Which was read.
Mr. Farnandis moved to lay the memorial on the table.
Mr. McMaster demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows: