Pending the consideration of the 37th section ;
Mr, Brent moved to strike out. the whole section ;
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Johnson submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 37. Strike out in 2d line the words " either in or out
of this State," and insert after the word " weapons," in 3d
line, the words " within this State ;" so the section will read
"Any citizen of this State who shall after the adoption of this
Constitution, fight a duel with deadly weapons, within this
State, or send or accept a challenge so to do, or who shall act
as second, &c., &c."
Which was rejected.
Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore city, moved to strike out the
words " deadly weapons ;"
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Motter submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 37. Add to the end of section, " unless relieved from
the disability by an act of the Legislature;"
Which was adopted.
Mr. Nelson submitted the following amendment:
Strike out all after the word " shall," in the 5th line and
insert " be punished as may be provided by law;"
Which was rejected.
The section as amended, was then read.
Pending the reading of the 38th section,
Mr. Dent submitted the following amendment :
Sec. 38. Insert the word " necessary," between the wort!
" laws," and the word "for," in first line, and strke out all
after the word "elections," in second line ;
Which was adopted.
Mr, Barnes submitted the following amendment :
Insert after the word "of," secondly occurring in line 2,
section 38, the words " primary and all other."
The section so amended will then read as follows: ' "The
General Assembly shall pass laws for the preservation of the
purity of primary and all other elections by the registra-
tion of voters, and by such other means as may be deemed
Mr. Tarr, of Caroline, submitted the following amend-
ment as a substitute for the whole section: