Sec. 38. The General Assembly shall pass such laws for
the preservation of the purity of elections, as may be deemed
Which was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the adoption of the
amendment submitted by Mr. Barnes,
Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore City, demanded the yeas and
The demand being sustained, (Mr. Vansant in the Chair),
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. George, Parran, John,
Barnes, Gill, Peters,
Brewer, B. city, Hall, Rennolds,
Brewer, Mont'y, Henderson, Rider,
Dorsey, Massey, Riggs,
Ferry, McPherson, Tarr, Worcester,
Flaherty, Merryman, Vansant,
Franck, Mitchell, Wilkinson.—25.
Galt, Nelson,
Messrs. Groome, Parker,
Alvey, Hardcastle, Parran, C. S.
Archer, Hayden, Perry,
Bateman, Hoblitzell, Pleasants,
Bell, Hodson, Pole,
Brooke, Howard, Ritchie,
Brown, Jones, Roman,
Carter, Lee, Silver,
Chambers, Longwell, Spates,
Cunningham, Mackubin, Starr,
Dent, Manro, Syester,
Devries, Marbury, Tarr, Caroline,
Emack, Maulsby, Toadvine,
Evans, McCormick, Wallace,
Farnandis, McMaster, Watkins, Car-.
Ford, Motter, Wethered,
Garey, Murray, Wickes.—51.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Barnes
Was rejected.
On motion of Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore City,
At 2 1/2 o'clock, P. M., the Convention adjourned.