Messrs. Garey, Motter,
Alvey, George, Murray,
Archer, Gill, Perry,
Barnes, Groome, Peters,
Barry, Hardcastle, Pleasants,
Bateman, Hayden, Pole,
Bell, Henderson, Ringgold,
Brewer, of B., city, Hoblitzell, Ritchie,
Brown, Horsey, of Fred'k, Rogers,
Buchanan, Howard, Silver,
Carter, Johnson, Spates,
Chambers, Jones, Starr,
Cunningham, Keating, Stoddert,
Devries, Kennedy, Syester,
Dobbin, ' Longwell, Wallace,
Japans, Mackubin, Walsh,
Farnandis, McCormick, Watkins, of Car.,
Ferry, McKaig, Wethered,
Flaherty, McMaster, Wickes,
Franck, Merrick, Wilkinson—61.
Galt, Merryman,
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Dent, was rejected.
Mr. McKaig moved a reconsideration of the vote by which
the amendment submitted by Mr. Jones, on yesterday, was
Decided in the affirmative.
The question then requrring upon the adoption of the amend-
ment, viz:
Strike out all after the word "law," 1st line, 33d section,
and insert "providing for payment by this State for slaves
emancipated from servitude in this State, but they shall adopt
such measures as they may deem expedient to obtain from the
United States, compensation for such slaves, and to receive
and distribute the same, equitably, to the persons entitled ;"
It was adopted.
The section as amended, was then read.
The Convention then resumed the consideration of the
36th section.
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. McCormick,
It was adopted.
The section as amended was then read.