The question then recurring upon the motion submitted by
Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore city,
It was sustained, and the Door-Keepers were ordered to no-
tify the absent members to give their attendance.
Was re-considered.
On motion of Mr. Brent,
The vote by which the Door-Keepers were ordered to noti-
fy the absent members to give their attendance, was re-con-
sidered ;
The question then recurring upon the motion submitted by
Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore City,
On motion of Mr. Brent,
The Sergeant-at-Arms was ordered to notify the absent
members, now in the city, to give their attendance, and to
bring them before the Bar of the House;
After an absence of forty minutes, the Sergeant-at-Arms.
returned, and reported that he had notified all the absent
members now in the city, and had brought them before the
Bar of the House.
On motion of Mr. Jones,
All further proceedings under the call were dispensed with.
The question then recurring upon the yeas and nays as or-
(Mr. Vansant in the Chair,)
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Goldsborough, T. Morris-,
Brent, Hall, Nelson,
Brewer, Montg'y, Hodson, Parker,
Brooke, Howison, Charles S. Parran
Dent, Ireland. John Parran,
Dorsey, Jamison, Rennolds,
Duvall, Lee, Rider,
Emack, Manro, Riggs,
Finley, Marbury, Tarr, of Caroline;
Ford, Maulsby, Toadvine,
Franklin, McPherson, Vansant,
Giddings, Mitchell, Watkins, M—36,
Goldsborough, D.