Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Archer, Barnes, Bate-
man, Bell, Brewer, of Montgomery, Brooke, Brown, Buch-
anan, Carter, Chambers, Cunningham, Denson, Dent, De-
vries, Dobbin, Dorsey, Duvall, Emack, Evans, Farnandis,
Ferry, Finley, Ford, Franck, Franklin, Galt, George, Gid-
dings, Gill, Goldsborough, of Dorchester, Goldsborough, of
Talbot, Groome, Hall, Hardcastle, Hayden, Henderson, Hob-
litzell, Hodson, Horsey, of Frederick, Horsey, of 'Somerset,
Howison, Ireland, Jamison, Johnson, Jones, Keating, Ken-
nedy, Lee, Mackubin, Manro, Marbury, Massey, Maulsby,
McCormick, McKaig, McMaster, Merrick, Mitchell, Morris,
Motter, Murray, Nelson, Parker, Charles S. Parran, John
Parran, Perry, Peters, Pleasants, Pole, Rennolds, Rider,
Riggs, Ringgold, Ritchie, Roman, Silver, Spates, Tarr, of
Caroline, Tarr, of Worcester, Thomas, Wallace, Walsh,
Watkins, of Caroline, Watkins, of Montgomery, Wethered,
Wickes, Whitman.—88.
On motion of Mr. Mitchell,
All further proceedings under the call were dispensed with.
The question then recurring upon the adoption of the
amendment submitted by Mr. Lee,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows :
Messrs, Hodson, Parran, C. S.,
Brewer, Mont'gy. Horsey, Somerset, Parran, John;
Brooke, Ireland, Peters,
Dent, Jamison, Rennolds,
Duvall, Lee, Rider,
Emack, Marbury, Riggs,
Ford, Massey, Stoddert,
Giddings, Mitchell, Tarr, Worcest'r.
Goldsborough, D. Morris, Watkins, Mon-27
Messrs. George, Motter,
Carmichael, P't. Gill, Murray,
Alvey, Goldsborough, T. Nelson,
Archer, Groome, Parker,
Bateman, Hardcastle, Perry,
Bell, Hayden, Pleasants,
Brown, Henderson, Pole,
Buchanan, Hoblitzell, Ringgold,
Carter, Horsey, Fred'k. Ritchie,
Chambers, Howison, Roman,
Cunningham, Johnson, Silver,
Denson, Jones, . Spates,