Devries, Mackubin, Spates,
Dobbin, Manro, Thomas,
Dorsey, Maulsby, Vansant,
Evans, McCormick, Wallace,
Farnandis, McKaig, Walsh,
Ferry, McMaster, Watkins, of Car,
Finley, McPherson, Wickes,
Franck, Merrick, Wilkinson,
Franklin, Merryman, Whitman.—63.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Lee,
Was rejected, and the whole section was not stricken out.
Mr. Lee submitted the following amendment:
The Legislature shall pass necessary and proper laws to
distribute to the claimants any fund that may arise from the
co-operation of the United States with the State, as pledged
by the joint resolution of Congress, of April 10, 1862, to
compensate the owners of slaves that have been emancipated
by the State;
Mr. Jones submitted the following amendment as a substi-
tute :
Strike out all after the word "law," 1st line, 33 Section, and
insert "providing for payment by this State for slaves eman-
cipated from servitude in this State, but they shall adopt such
measures as they may deem expedient to obtain from the
United States, compensation for such slaves, and to receive
and distribute the same, equitably, to the persons entitled ;
Pending the consideration of which,
Mr. Henderson demanded the previous question.
Which was not sustained.
The question then recurring upon the adoption of the
amendment submitted by Mr. Jones,
It was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the amendment submit-
ted by Mr. Lee, the question being upon its adoption,
Mr. Marbury demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
On motion of Mr. Horsey, of Frederick,
A call of the House was ordered.
Upon a call of the roll, the following members responded
to their names: