Devries, Keating, Tarr, Caroline,
Dobbin, Kennedy, Thomas,
Dorsey, Mackubin, Vansant,
Evans, Manro, Wallace,
Farnandis, Maulsby, Walsh,
Ferry,' McCormick, Watkins, Car.
Finley, McKaig, Wethered,
Franck, McMaster, Wickes,
Franklin, Merrick, Whitman—63.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Lee was rejected.
Mr. Dent submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 33. Strike out all after the word "but," in third
line, and insert, "Shall take such steps as may be deemed
necessary, to urge upon the Government of the United States
such aid in .compensation for emancipation in this State as
was pledged by the Joint Resolution, No. 26, passed by the
Congress of the United States, on the 10th day of April,
1862, and shall pass such laws as may be necessary for the
distribution of such aid as may be received from the United
States for that purpose ;
Mr. Rider submitted the following amendment as a substi-
tute :
Sec. 33. The Legislature shall issue no bonds nor contract
any debt in the name of the State, to pay for slaves emanci-
pated by the Constitution of 1864 ;
Pending the consideration of which,
Mr. Rider demanded the yeas and nays,
Which was not sustained.
The amendment submitted by Mr. Rider was then rejected.
The question then recurring upon the amendment submit-
ted by Mr. Dent,
It was adopted.
The section as amended, was then read.
The 34th an,d 35th sections were then read.
Pending the reading of the 36th section,
Mr. McCormick submitted the following amendment: '
Sec. 36. Strike out all after the word " Compensation," in
line 4;
Pending the consideration of which,
On motion of Mr. Hayden,
At 3 o'clock and 25 minutes, the Convention adjourned.