So the amendment submitted by Mr. Syester was rejected,
Mr. McKaig submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 30, line 19, strike out the word "three," before the
word "hundred," and insert the word "five" (5),
Which was adopted.
Mr. Horsey, of Frederick, submitted the following amend-
Sec. 30, line 19, insert after the word, "dollars/' and the
payment thereof shall be provided for as hereinbefore di-
rected in this section, by the levying of an annual tax,
Which was rejected.
Mr. Jones submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 30. After the word "State" in 17th line, insert, "and
in aid of the construction of the Railroad through the East-
ern Shore counties of this State, from Elkton, in Cecil Coun-
ty, to connect with the Eastern Shore Railroad in Somerset
County," and in 19th line after the word "dollars," insert
"to such improvements in said counties of St. Mary's,
Charles, and Calvert, and three hundred thousand dollars to
the said Railroad from Elkton to connect with the said East-
ern Shore Railroad."
Mr. Johnson submitted the following amendment to the
And that the Legislature may appropriate the sum of three
hundred thousand dollars to assist in the building of the
railroad from Frederick City to Littlestown.
Mr. Tarr, of Worcester, moved that the Convention do
BOW adjourn,
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Maulsby demanded the previous question,
On motion of Mr. Rider,
The Convention at 3 o'clock, P. M., adjourned.