Mr. Syester submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 30, line 19, after the word "of," and before the word
"hundred," strike out the word "three," and insert the
word "eight" (8),
Pending the consideration of which,
The question recurring upon the adoption of the amend-
Mr. Hayden demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays wete called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Hoblitzell, Parran, John,
Barnes, Howison, Peters,
Brewer, Bal. City. Ireland, Rennolds,
Carter, Jamison, Ritchie,
Denson, Kilbourn, Roman,
Dent, Lee, Spates,
Devries, Mackubin, Stoddert,
Dobbin, Marbury, Syester,
Emack, McKaig, Tarr, of Worc'r,
Flaherty, Merryman, Vansant,
Ford, Mitchell, Walsh,
Garey, Motter, Wethered,
Giddings, Parran, S.C. Wilkinson.—38.
Messrs. Groome, Merrick,
Carmichael, Pr't. Hall, Morris,
Barry, Hardcastle, Murray,
Bateman, Hayden, Nelson,
Bell, Henderson, Page,
Brewer, of Mot'y, Hodson, Parker,
Brown, Horsey, of Fred'k, Perry,
Buchanan, Horsey, of Som., Pleasants,
Cunningham, Janvier, Pole,
Dorsey, Johnson, Rider,
Duvall, Jones, Riggs,
Evans, Keating, Ringgold,
Ferry, Kennedy, Rogers,
Finley, . Longwell, Silver,
Franck, Manro, Tarr, of Caroline.
Franklin, Massey, Thomas,
Galt, Maulsby, Watkins, of Car.,
Gill, McCormick, Watkins, of Mo'y
Goldsborough, D. McMaster, Wickes—57.
Goldsborough, T.