THURSDAY, June 27, 1867.
The Convention met;
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Furke.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Archer, Barnes, Barry,
Bateman, Bell, Brewer, of Baltimore city, Brewer, of Mont-
gomery, Brown, Buchanan, Carter, Cunningham, Denson,
Devries, Dobbin, Dorsey, Duvall, Emack, Evans, Farnandis,
Ferry, Finley, Ford, Franck, Franklin, Galt, George, Gid-
dings, Gill, Goldsborough, of Dorchester, Goldsborough, of
Talbot, Groome, Hall, Hardcastle, Hayden, Henderson, Hob-
litzell, Hodson, Horsey, of Frederick, Horsey, of Somerset,
Howison, Ireland, Jamison, Johnson, Jones, Keating, Ken-
nedy, Lee, Mackubin, Manro, Marbury, Massey, Maulsby,
McCormick, McKaig, McMaster, McPherson, Merrick, Mer-
ryman, Mitchell, Morris, Motter, Murry, Nelson, Page, Par-
ker, Charles 8. Parran, John Parran, Perry, Peters, Pleas-
ants, Pole, Rennolds, Rider, Riggs, Ringgold, Ritchie, Ro-
man, Silver, Spates, Stoddert, Syester, Tarr, of Caroline,
Tarr, of Worcester, Thomas, Vansant, Wallace, Walsh,
Watkins, of Caroline, Watkins, of Montgomery, Wethered,
Wickes, Wilkinson, Whitman—93.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved,
Mr. Maulsby submitted the following order :
Ordered, That when the Convention adjourn to-day, it
shall be to 8 o'clock this evening; and that hereafter there
shall be two sessions every day, except Sunday, at 10
o'clock, A. M., and 8 o'clock, P. M., until the business of the
Convention shall be disposed of.
Mr. John Parran submitted the following amendment:
Strike out the word "ten," and insert the word "nine ;"
Mr. Nelson submitted the following amendment:
Strike out the word "eight," before the words " o'clock
P. M.," and insert the word " ten ;"
Which was rejected.
Mr. Denson moved to lay the whole subject on the table.
The question recurring upon sustaining the motion sub-
mitted by Mr. Denson;
Mr. Maulsby demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,