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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 35   View pdf image (33K)
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giving good security for payment of all such costs and damages for which they are or shall be in execution, in case they do not enter and prosecute their appeal according to the directions of this act, or that it shall not be otherwise decreed by the commissioners of review.

    And, for the better understanding what person or persons shall be accounted of kindred to the parties, plaintiffs or defendants, making application to the first commissioners, or commissioners of review, and for direction to the said commissioners therein; Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in all such cases the commissioners appointed on any view or review aforesaid, shall have recourse to the table of marriages as a directory therefore.

    Passed the twenty-seventh of October 1720, and recorded         in liber L. L. No. 4, folio 494, &c. one of the law          records of the late province, now state of Maryland,         belonging to the office of the court of appeals for the         Western shore.                                             TH: HARRIS, JUN.                                                                     Clerk Ct. Apps. W. S.

    Note.¾This act is also stated to have been dissented to by the proprietary; See his speech before mentioned.

N. B. This act is confirmed among the perpetual laws, by 1676, ch. 2, and is also approved and quoted in the act of 1715, ch. 47, and all property obtained under it is confirmed, §. 1, 2.

    FORASMUCH as in the beginning of this plantation, and till of late years, there never was any settled course of conveying lands, tenements or hereditaments, from man to man, in this province, by reason whereof the titles of divers persons, who have, bona fide, bought and paid for lands, become doubtful: And thence arise divers suits at law, to the great loss of divers inhabitants of this province, We, the delegates and deputies of the freemen of this province, in this present general assembly, do pray that it may be enacted,

    II. And be it enacted by the right honourable the lord and proprietary of this province, by and with the advice and  consent of the upper and lower houses of this present general assembly, That all sales, gifts or grants heretofore made, of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, within this province, by any person or persons whatsoever, that right had to sell, give or grant such lands, tenements or hereditaments, made

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 35   View pdf image (33K)
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