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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 34   View pdf image (33K)
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of review, or any one of them, shall meet at their respective county court houses the second day of every court, and there set as a court to receive appeals from the judgment of the land commissioners, and shall cause their clerk, (to be by them appointed) to enter such appeal, together with the time appointed for their meeting on such land.

    And be it further enacted, That such commissioners of review for their attendance on the determination of such appeals, shall be allowed the sum of one hundred pounds of tobacco per day to each commissioner, as is allowed by the former law to the commissioners of the first view, and no more; and that any of the land commissioners of review as aforesaid, or any of the commissioners made choice of or appointed upon the first view, after having qualified themselves according to this and the former law, who shall refuse or neglect to attend at the time and place appointed for such view or review, not having a reasonable excuse, shall be fined the sum of five hundred pounds of tobacco, to be recovered in the right honorable the lord proprietor's name in any county court within this province, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, and applied towards the support of public schools, in such county where such commissioner or commissioners shall reside.

    And be it further enacted, by the authority, advice and consent aforesaid, That the commissioners of review appointed by this act shall qualify themselves by taking the several oaths appointed by law, and also make the declaration commonly called the test, and subscribe the same, and the oath of abjuration, and also take the following oath, viz. " I, A. B. " do swear that I will justly and truly execute the powers and " authorities to me given by the acts of assembly, for ascertaining " the bounds of land within this province, according " to the best of my skill, knowledge and understanding, " without fear, favour, or affection. So help me God." Which said commissioners shall have recourse to a certain clause in the aforesaid act of assembly for ascertaining the bounds of land within this province, prohibiting loquacious advocates to plead before them, and are by this act obliged to conform strictly to the said clause in every matter and thing therein contained.

    Provided, nevertheless, that in case any person or persons now under execution, or that shall hereafter be taken in execution for any costs or damages awarded by the commissioners  of the first view, and shall be desirous to appeal to the commissioners to be appointed by this act, that it shall and may be lawful for the sheriff, in whose custody such person or persons shall be, and he is hereby obliged to discharge such person or persons immediately out of execution, upon their

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 34   View pdf image (33K)
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