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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 36   View pdf image (33K)
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by writing only, with or without seal, shall for ever hereafter be accounted good, and available in law, to bar the heirs or executors of such vendors, donors or grantors; and all persons claiming dower from any such vendors, donors or grantors; any error in the form only, of such writings, to the contrary notwithstanding.

    III. And forasmuch as divers assignments of patents (written on the back side of such patents) for land, are now worn out, and also many other sales in paper, either worn out, or quite lost, for which the purchase money hath been bona fide paid, Be it further enacted by the authority, advice and consent aforesaid, That all sales, gifts or grants heretofore made, by persons that right had, as aforesaid, where either the sale, gift or grant, or payment, bona fide made, can be proved by witness, such sales shall for ever hereafter be accounted good, and available in the law, to bar the heirs and executors of such vendors, donors or grantors, or other persons claiming dower from any such vendors, donors or grantors; any law, custom or usage to the contrary hereof notwithstanding.

Examined and compared with the record,
                                                        REVERDY GHISELIN,                                                         THOMAS BACON.     Passed ninteenth April 1671: recorded in liber W. H.         and L. folio 53; office of the court of appeals for the         Western shore:
¾taken here from Bacon's edition.
SECURING THE ESTATES OF PURCHASERS. This act is confirmed by 1676, ch. 2, and is also approved, and     all the purchases made under it, are confirmed by the act of     1715, ch. 47, §. 4.     FOR the better establishing of a way and method of conveying of manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments, within this province, for the future; and for the advoiding of all abuses and deceit, in incumbering estates by mortgages, and otherwise, by the owners of lands and hereditaments, to the prejudice of purchasers, for valuable considerations, and such as lend their monies upon real securities:     II. Be it enacted by his lordship the lord proprietary of this province, by and with the advice and consent of the upper and lower houses of this present general assembly, That from and after the publication hereof, no manors, lordships, lands, tenements or hereditaments whatsoever, within

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 36   View pdf image (33K)
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