the 2nd Monday in November next, or until some further
order, to be passed, or decision to be made, before the said
2nd Monday of November next.
A. C. HANSON, Chancellor.
In the Land-office, October 25th, 1800.
The law limiting the continuance of caveats having made
no provision for cases in which the caveator shall die before
the decision of the caveat;
It is, on consideration of the special circumstances, viz. the
death of caveators, adjudged and ordered, that all caveats
entered by persons who have died since entering the said
caveats, and which have not expired by the operation of the act
of 1797, be, and are hereby continued until the 2nd Monday
in May next, or until further order; provided the death of a
caveator be known or announced to this office before a due
application for a patent on the certificate caveated.
A. C. HANSON, Chancellor.
In the Land-office, December 4th, 1801.
Ordered, that hereafter, notwithstanding the order of May
18th, 1797, any person admitted as an attorney in any court
of law, or equity, may direct a caveat in the name of any
person whatever to he here entered against any certificate of
survey or resurvey which, agreeably to the rules and practice of
this office, or any order of the chancellor, is liable to a caveat;
and a caveat shall be entered agreeably to such order; ¾
provided that the said direction be given in writing, stating that
it is given by the said attorney at the request of the caveator.
A. C. HANSON, Chancellor.
In the Land-office, October 31: 1803.
Under the special circumstance of the death of the late
register, and the *want of a successor, it is adjudged and
ordered that all caveats in this office instituted, which were to
expire at any time between the 21st inst. and the 10th of
November next, be and are hereby declared to be continued in
force until the 1st day of January next, or until further
A. C. HANSON, Chancellor.
* I have been surprised in transcribing this order to observe, for the
first time, the word above in italics; for a successor was appointed
and qualified on the 28th. The order I presume was written before the
appointment, and dated after the office was opened, without due attention
to its contents.