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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 442   View pdf image (33K)
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for so doing, to the great vexation of the proprietors of
certificates, and the delay of justice; It is Ordered that
hereafter no caveat be entered in this office, unless by the verbal or
written directions of the party in whose name it is required
to be entered, or of his, or her attorney or agent, appearing
to be authorised by writing under his or her hand and seal,
and in case the hand writing of the party be not known to
the register, his or her written directions must be attested.

                                            A. C. HANSON, Chancellor.

A further order on this subject forward


In the Land-office, January 1st, 1800.

    Whereas it is represented to the chancellor that caveators
have taken the opinion of eminent counsel on the 11th
section of " an act relative to proceedings in the court of
chancery, &c." passed at the session of November 1797, and the
said counsel have so construed the said section that none of
the caveats instituted before the passage of the said act should
be discontinued after January 1800 for want of prosecution,
unless application had been made to the chancellor to bring
the same to issue: and, whereas the said construction appears
to the chancellor to be contrary to the plain meaning of the
said section, and to the object of the said act, to prevent any
inconvenience or injustice which might otherwise result from
the mistakes of caveators, relying on the said erroneous

    It is, by the chancellor, adjudged and ordered, that every
caveat standing in this office, which was entered before the
21st day of January 1798, which was the time of passing the
said act, under the special circumstances herein before stated,
viz. under the misapprehension occasioned by the said
opinion, be, and it is, hereby continued until the first day of May
next, or until some further order, to be passed before the
said first day of May.

                                        A. C. HANSON, Chancellor.


In the Land-office, April 29th, 1800

    The chancellor being convinced that the time limited by
his general order of the 1st day of January last, for the
continuance of caveats entered before the 21st of January 1798,
is too short to prevent the inconvenience or injustice which
may, without further time allowed, result from the mistakes
of caveators, relying on the erroneous construction of law
mentioned in the said order;

    It is by the chancellor adjudged and ordered that every
caveat standing in this office, which was entered before the
21st day of January 1798 be, and it is hereby continued until

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 442   View pdf image (33K)
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