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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 444   View pdf image (33K)
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In Council, Annapolis July 31, 1805.

    Ordered, that the registers of the land office be, and they
are hereby directed and instructed, not to issue any special
warrant that shall contain more than one location.

                    By order,

                                        NINIAN PINCKNEY, Clerk.





    AS actions of ejectment, in the courts of law, always
involve questions concerning original titles, and as these
necessarily produce enquiries relative to the validity of the
proceedings by which such titles were obtained, the rules and
practice of the land office of course come into discussion;
and, as they have not always been susceptible of proof by
reference to written authorities, it has frequently happened
that persons concerned in the management of that office have
been called upon to give oral and public evidence on the
subject. This has taken place perhaps in many instances of
which I am not informed. I was in search of cases of the
kind, when my attention was directed to an instance so
remarkable and important as to arrest my enquiry, and fix it
on that particular case. I found that the late chancellor, and
the late register for the Western shore, had given testimony
before the general court, by answering a number of
interrogatories relative to their knowledge of the rules and practice of
the office, and that this testimony remained in writing in the
office of that court. Through the kindness of the present
clerk of the court of appeals, I was permitted to take a copy
of those papers. They have engaged my attention, and
assisted my researches in the progress of this compilation. I
have, as in some other cases, been in some doubt as to the
use which ought finally to be made of them, being
apprehensive that in laying before the public a succession of
unpremeditated answers to difficult questions, I might be deemed not
sufficiently to have consulted the reputations of the
gentlemen who gave them. In conclusion, however, as this work
is, taken at large, a collection of evidence relative to the
practice of the land office; as these examinations furnish, so far

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 444   View pdf image (33K)
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