In Council, 16th March, 1786.
In addition to the instructions heretofore given you, we
hereby order and direct that you observe the following:¾
" Ordered that the several surveyors shall and may,
hereafter, in executing any warrant of resurvey, or escheat
warrant, not only survey the land therein mentioned according to
the ancient metes and bounds, in the usual manner, but also at
the request of the party, lay down and survey the said land
as the said party shall direct, and return a certificate of the
different surveys."
We are sir,
Your most obedient servants,
To the Surveyors of the
several counties in the State.
In Council, Annapolis September 15, 1796.
In addition to, and explanation of the rules and orders for
the direction of surveyors in their office, heretofore
established, we have this day determined on the following, viz.
Whereas by an act of assembly, passed at November
session seventeen hundred and ninety-five, entitled " an act
" relative to the proceedings in the court of chancery, and in
" the land office," it is directed, that no certificates for land,
made, or thereafter to be made, shall be received into the land
office, unless passed by the examiner general, and returned
to the said office before the first of July (then next) or
within eighteen months from the date of the warrant: ORDERED,
that whenever a warrant has been executed, and it appears
that the certificate thereon has not been returned into the land
office, agreeably to the said law, and within the term of
eighteen months from the date of the warrant, you will
consider the said warrant and certificate as void, and not
constituting an elder survey, so as to prevent the execution of any
primitive warrant to affect the said land.
We are, &c.
To the several Surveyors.
In the Land-office, May the 18th 1797.
Whereas it appears to have been a practice for one man to
enter a caveat in the name of another, without any authority
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