and no longer;) We Do by these presents, and shall and
will at all times hereafter, ratify, confirm and allow, to all
intents and purposes whatsoever, as we do hereby revoke all
powers and authoritys at any time heretofore given by us to
you the said Horatio Sharpe and to any other person or
persons in our said province, touching or concerning the sale
or other disposition of our said reserved lands, or any part
thereof, more particularly our orders and instructions given
to you the said Horatio Sharpe and to Benedict Calvert and
George Steuart, Esquires, the judges of our land office, and
to Edward Lloyd, Esquire, the receiver general of our said
province, bearing date the day of January,
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-five. Given under
our hand and lesser seal at arms at London, the twenty-first
day of February, in the fifteenth year of our dominion of the
said province, and in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and sixty-six."
F. B. (L.S.)
" By his lordship's command,
" HUGH HAMERSLY, Secretary."
LIBER W. S. No. 12, fol. 57.
" Frederick absolute lord and proprietor of the provinces of
Maryland and Avalon in America, lord baron of Baltimore,
in the kingdom of Ireland¾To our trusty and well beloved
Horatio Sharpe, Esq. lieutenant governor of our said
province, the honourable Daniel Dulany, Esq. and John
Morton Jordan, Esq.
" Further instructions to be observed and pursued by you,
touching the sale of the reserved lands in our said province,
pursuant to our commisson bearing date the twenty-first day
of February last past, and instructions of the same date¾
Whereas in and by the eleventh article of our instructions,
bearing date the said twenty-first day of February last past,
touching the sale of our said reserved lands, We did direct
all purchase deeds or conveyances to be by you made of our
said lands, should be by bargain and sale, to be enrolled in
our land office, in the particular county where the lands lay,
or in our general land office at Annapolis, and that all
future alienations of such lands, should be by bargain and
sale to be enrolled as aforesaid, and a proper covenant
under adequate penaltys taken from the purchasers for that
" And whereas it has been since represented to us that
our usual method of granting lands in our said province,
hath been by grant under the great seal of our said province,
and that the restriction of all future devivative conveyances