to be made by our tenants of the lands to be so granted to be
by bargain and sale only, as well as the mode prescribed by
our said instructions for the recording of all conveyances to
be made of our said lands, may be attended with
inconveniency's, We do therefore hereby revoke the said eleventh
article of our said instructions; and instead thereof, Do
hereby direct, that all conveyances to be by you made of
our said reserved lands, pursuant to our said commission and
instructions bearing even date therewith, shall be by grant
under the great seal of our said province, and recorded in the
proper provincial office; and that you do insert in all such grants
a proper clause or clauses requiring all future alienations of
the lands to be so granted, to be recorded after the execution
thereof respectively, within the time limitted by act of
assembly in that behalf, in the case of bargains and sales;¾
and in case you shall have already made any conveyances of
our said reserved lands by such grants under the great seal
of our said province, and with such clause or clauses as
herein directed, and not by bargain and sale, and with such
directions as ordered by our said former instructions.¾We do
hereby confirm all such grants, so by you made, so far as the
same shall conform to these our instructions, and not to be
repugnant in any other respect to the tenor of our said
former instructions.
" And whereas doubts may arise touching our title to Ann
Arundel manor, on account of the devise which our late
father Charles lord Baltimore, deceased, took upon him to
make of the said manor, to Benedict Calvert, Esq. though
his lordship was tenant for life only, of our said province,
by the settlement made on his marriage with the lady
Baltimore, our mother, and which desire was afterwards defeated
upon attaining the age of twenty-one years by exercising the
powers in us vested as tenant in tail of the said province;
Now to obviate any unnecssary scruples which uninformed
purchasers may be induced to entertain of our said title, We
do hereby authorise and empower you upon the sale of our
said manor, or any the lands thereto belonging to incert in
the grants to be thereof respectively made proper
engagements and stipulations in our name and behalf, (and which
we) do hereby agree to confirm, to warrant the titles of the
lands to be so granted against the said Benedict Calvert, his
heirs and assigns, and all and every person or persons
claiming or to claim under him or them, so as that such warranty
be restrained not to extend to any future improvements to
be made of the said manor and lands, nor to any rise or
encrease in the value thereof, beyond the price or consideration to
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