" Frederick absolute lord and proprietary of the provinces
of Maryland and Avalon in America, lord baron of
Baltimore, in the kingdom of Ireland ¾To our trusty and
well beloved Horatio Sharpe, lieutenant governor of our
said province, the honourable Daniel Dulany, Esq. and
John Morton Jordan, Esq.¾Send greeting:
" Know ye that, we (taking into our consideration the state
and condition of our reserved lands in our said province of
Maryland, and being desirous to extend and promote the
cultivation and improvement thereof; and for that purpose to
grant to the good tenants of our said province, such
permanent interests therein as may encourage and invite them to
undertake and prosecute the same, to their own emolument
and the publick benefit of our said province:) Have given full
power and authority to you and the survivors or survivor of
you, as we do by these presents, give full power and authority
to you and the surviors and survivor of you for us, and in
our names, to grant, sell and dispose, or otherwise to treat,
contract and agree for the granting, selling and disposing of
all or any our said reserved lands or manors in our said
province, as well cultivated as uncultivated, to all and every
person or persons, who shall be willing to purchase the same for
such considerations and prices respectively upon such terms
and conditions, and under such rents and reservations, and
in such manner and form as by our orders and instructions,
under our hand and seal, bearing even date with these
presents, are and is in that behalf specified and declared, which
orders and instructions we have directed to be entered in the
counsel books of our said province, and do declare to be of
the same force and validity as if incerted in these presents;
and for the purposes aforesaid, We Do hereby authorize and
empower you and the survivors and survivor of you to seal,
and as our act and deed in due form of law to deliver, all
proper deeds, conveyances, assurances, contracts and
ageements; also to receive the consideration or purchase money
to be thereon paid, and to sign receipts and give
acquittances for the money to be so received and paid; which shall be
sufficient discharges to the persons paying the same for the
money to be so received, and generally to do all such acts
which shall or may be requisite and expedient in the
premisses, in as full and ample manner, to all intents and purposes
as we ourselves might or could do if personally present;
and whatsoever you the said Horatio Sharpe, Daniel Dulany
and John Morton Jordan, or the survivors or survivor of
you shall lawfully do or cause to be done in the premises,
during the continuance of these presents, (which we will to
be of the space of two years, from the day of the date hereof
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