of one thousand acres, unless any particular cause should
require the same; and the said number of acres is to be made
out in distinct grants, not exceeding five hundred acres each.
" 21. Whereas omissions have happened in the land office,
by not inserting in some of the grants made out, the word
sterling, after the sum reserved for the rent; if any of the
grantees should at any time offer to pay currency, instead of
sterling, it is my pleasure that you always demand sterling of
such grantee.
" 24. You are not to let or grant any lands in the city of
Annapolis, or within five miles about the same, without
particular instructions from me, and you are forthwith to
transmit a copy of the entry or entrys of any reserves laid on
that shall be or have been entered in any of the publick
offices, agreeable to any instruction from my late dear father
to your predecessor, for that purpose.
LIBER, T. I. No. 6. folio 385.
" 1756, April 19th.
" In his lordship's additional instructions to Samuel Ogle,
" Esq. governour of Maryland, bearing date the 10th day of
" August, 1734, among other things was contained the
" following paragraph, viz.
" I direct you to sell Nanticoake mannor in Talbot county
" for the best advantages you can."
LIBER E. E. folio 526.
" April the 14th. Then received the following letter, and
recorded by order of the judges.
Annapolis, the 10th April, 1764.
" The lord proprietary being desirous to have
ten thousand acres of land reserved in the western part of
Frederick county, for a manor, I have given the surveyor of
that county instructions to execute no warrant whatsoever on
land lying beyond Fort Cumberland, until the above
mentioned quantity is surveyed and laid out for his lordship, of which
you will be pleased to take notice, and cause the same to be
communicated to any person that may apply for warrants to
effect land in that part of the province.
I am, Gentlemen,
Your most h'ble serv't,
To the judges of his
lordship's land office.
LIBER W. S. No. 7. folio 91.
* The instructions are to Mr. Lloyd, as chief agent, and his name is
here for the purpose of certifying the extract.
F f