what after his death he has lawfully done by virtue of our
letter to him: And this our commission, and the powers
hereby granted, to continue in force during our pleasure, and no
longer. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands
and greater seal of our said province. Dated at London,
this twenty-fourth day of March, in the year of our Lord
seventeen hundred and fifteen.
Intrato in officio, secretar
customar, decimo
sexto, die Aprilis, 1716.
* THE *
* SEAL. *
LIBER T. P. No. 4. folio 282: Office of the court of
Appeals for the Western Shore.
" Orders and instructions, powers and authorities to be
observed and pursued by Thomas Beake and Charles Lowe, our
secretaries of the province of Maryland, or by their
sufficient deputy. Given by us, this 16th day of November, one
thousand seven hundred and seventeen.
" You are hereby impowered and directed, by yourselves
or your deputy, to grant warrants for taking up any waste,
cultivated, uncultivated, or surplus lands within the said
province, and grant the same lands to such person as shall obtain
such warrants, and their heirs and assigns, according to the
conditions of plantations following, or which shall hereafter
be by us declared within our said province; hereby giving
you full power to finish such grants according to the usual form,
so as to make out the grantees an estate in fee simple to the
lands specified in such grants, you taking to yourselves all
legal fees due to you for so doing, and accounting to our
chancellor for the whole fee due to him for affixing the great seal
to the said grants.
" 2d. You are to reserve upon every hundred acres of
land so granted, the usual annual sum in money as has been
lately accustomed to be reserved.
" 3d. For every hundred acres of land so to be granted,
our receiver general, for the time being, is to receive for our
use, as a fine, the sum of forty shillings, sterling money, or
take caution for it, and when he has so done, you are to proceed
to make out the patent for the same, and not before."
LIBER, T. P. No. 4. folio 486: Office of the court of
Appeals for the Western Shore.
Source: John Kilty. Land Holder's Assistant and Land Office Guide. Baltimore: G. Dobbin & Murphy, 1808. MSA SC 5165-1-1.