authorities hereby granted, we do further authorize him to
empower, constitute and appoint under him, such and so
many officers and deputies as shall be requisite, and has been usual
heretofore in like cases, hereby ordering and requiring him
the said Charles Carroll to remit unto us, for our proper use,
by the first and safest opportunities and conveyancies, all such
moneys, effects and bills of exchange, as shall arise, grow due,
and be received by him and his deputies or under officers, on
all or any the aforesaid branches of our revenue, and upon
receipt of any money, bills of exchange, or other effects,
sufficient discharges and acquitances, to give and sign to the
person or persons concerned or owing such monies, effects and
bills of exchange, and generally to act, do, and perform, fulfill
and accomplish all and every other act and acts, thing and
things, requisite and necessary for the due execution,
performance and justly discharging the several respective offices,
powers and authorities hereby given and granted him, or
intended to be given and granted him.
And we do hereby ratify, confirm and hold for good,
effectual and valid, whatsoever the said Charles Carroll shall
lawfully do or cause to be done in the premises,
notwithstanding any insufficiency or defect in the words, expressions,
clauses or sentences of this our commission, and although
every particular matter strictly requisite be not therein
particularly mentioned and expressed. And we do further
hereby for a compensation, salary and encouragement to the said
Charles Carroll, for the punctual, sincere and faithful
performance of the powers and authorities hereby granted him, and in
consideration of the pains, labour and trouble he shall take
in the due execution thereof, authorize, direct and empower
him to take, receive, and retain, to and for his own use out of
all such monies, tobaccos, or other effects, as shall be
received on any of the accounts aforesaid (except for the duties
arising by the exportation of tobacco, being two shillings and
nine pence per hogshead, and the duties arising per the
tunnage on ships, being fourteen pence per tun) the sum of ten
pounds in the hundred, and so pro rato, for a greater or
lesser quantity, (over and above the salaries so as aforesaid to be
allowed his officers) and for receiving and remitting the said
two and nine pence per hogshead, and fourteen pence per tun,
the sum of one hundred pounds sterling yearly. And we
do hereby revoke, annul, and make void, all former and
other commissions, powers and authorities, touching the
premises, by us, or our authorities, to any person or persons
heretofore granted, ratifying and confirming all whatsoever has been
lawfully done by the said Charles Carroll, by virtue of my
late lord Benedict's letter to him, as far as in us lies; as also
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