" Philemon Lloyd, Esq. deputy secretary of this his
lordship's province of Maryland, to Edward Griffith, sends
greeting. Whereas the honorable Thomas Beake and Charles
Lowe, Esquires, his lordship's principal secretarys of the said
province, by their certain deputation under their hands and
seals bearing date the thirty-first day of May, anno. domi.
seventeen hundred and fifteen, have nominated and ordained,
constituted and appointed me the said Philemon Lloyd, to be
their true and sufficient deputy and to execute and
exercise the said office of secretary of the said province in as large
and ample a manner as the said Thomas Beake and Charles
Lowe, by virtue of their letters patent or grant for the same
office might or could do, as by the same instrument of
deputation remaining upon record in the said secretary's office,
may more at large appear; Know ye that for the especial trust
and confidence I have and do repose in the knowledge, care,
and circumspection of the said Edward Griffith, have
ordained, constituted, and appointed, and do by these presents
ordain, constitute and appoint you the said Edward Griffith,
to be register and keeper of the land records of the province
of Maryland: willing and requiring you to ask, demand,
and receive, and into your custody to take all books, records,
transcripts, papers, and inrollments whatsoever, now in the
possession of Charles Carroll, Esq. unto the said office
belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and to act, do and
perform in the aforesaid office as register as fully and amply as
any register of that office may or ought of right to do, To
have, hold, exercise and enjoy the office aforesaid, during
pleasure. Given under my hand and seal, this thirteenth
day of June, in the second year of his lordship's dominion,
&c. Annoq. Domi. 1717."
LIBER B. B. fol. 49.
" Orders and instructions, power and authorities to be
observed and persued by Thomas Beake and Charles Lowe,
our secretarys of the province of Maryland, and in their
absence out of the said province by Philemon Lloyd their
" Given by me in London, this 12th day of March,
" Whereas the power of granting warrants for taking up
waiste cultivated, uncultivated and surplus lands and the
finishing such warrants by making the grantees an estate of
fee simple, does now chiefly center in you the said Philemon
Lloyd, (except the receiveing the money due for such grants,
which by our former instructions my receiver generall for the
time being is to doe,) so the hearing and determining deferences
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