even the customary authorities of an agent. But there
is, after all, no doubt that Mr. Hart, who appears to have
been of a character as free from disguise as void of indulgence,
was very sincere in his condemnation of the system of vesting
any powers that approached to matters of government in an
officer under the description of an agent, the tenor of whose
commission and instructions was not always known to the
public, and who, as an officer, was amenable only to the
proprietary himself; and there is as little doubt, that his opinion,
though accompanied in this instance by undue jealousies and
resentments, was, in the abstract, perfectly just.
Concerning the other documents here inserted, I shall only
observe that as they are too various in their kinds to be
arranged under collective descriptions, I have consulted no
order but that of their dates.
" Absolute lord and proprietary of the provinces of
Maryland and Avalon, lord baron of Baltimore, in the kingdom of
Ireland, a minor, and Francis lord Guilford, guardian to the
said lord Baltimore, for and on his behalf: To all persons to
whom these presents shall come, greeting, in our Lord God
everlasting; know ye, that we, reposing special trust and
confidence in the capacity, knowledge, care, diligence and
circumspection of Charles Carroll, of our said province of
Maryland, Esquire, have made, constituted, ordained,
authorized and appointed, and by these presents we do
make, constitute, ordain, authorize and appoint him the
said Charles Carroll to be our chief agent, escheator, naval
officer and receiver-general of all our rents, arrears of rents,
fines, forfeitures, tobaccos or monies for land warrants, of all
ferrys, waifes, strays, and deodands of all duties arising from
or growing due upon exportation of tobacco aforesaid,
tunnage of ships, and all other monies, tobaccos, or other effects
in any manner or ways now due or hereafter to grow due,
whether by protested bills of exchange, or otherwise, to us
within the said province; hereby granting to the said Charles
Carroll full power and authority to sell and dispose of all
lands, tenements, or hereditaments to us now escheated, or
hereafter to be escheated or forfeited, to such person or
persons as shall agree and pay for them such reasonable rates in
money as shall be agreed for: also to inspect into, order,
manage and account for all and every other branch or branches of
our revenue, within our said province, whether the same be
or grow due by particular contract, conditions of plantations,
act or acts of assembly, or by virtue of our royalties, rights,
privileges and prerogatives within the said province, and for
the better and more effectual execution of the said powers and
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