less rent for any distant lands on the borders and frontiers of
this our province. Further, we out of our great
condescention hereby publish and declare, that the rent of four shillings
sterling only as usual for every hundred acres of surplusage
land hereafter to be granted, shall be reserved and payable to
us; and as it is not reasonable or just that any lands granted
by us should be held by any person who may neglect to pay
our rent reserved, therefore we think fit, and accordingly do
declare that the terms of all grants or patents on future
original, common or special warrants shall be to be held on
payment of the rent reserved, or otherwise such grant or patent
to be void. And also for the encouragement of such who
may be able and willing to discover lands or houses
escheatable, we do declare and order that any discoverer thereof shall
be entitled to one third part or worth of the value which shall
be set on such lands and houses, to be allowed in the
composition or purchase money which such discoverer ought to pay
for the same; and which discoverer our will and pleasure is
shall have without exception the preference or preemption,
and whereas we are sensible of the mischiefs and
inconveniences arising not only to ourself but our tenants, by the
continuing common warrants or caveats in force for a very long
time, therefore we hereby direct that all patents for lands on
any common warrant now issued, or on certificates now
returned, shall be obtained before, and not after the fourteenth
of June which shall be in the year 1734, and within one year
after the determination of any caveat; and that all patents for
lands on any common warrants to be issued after the date
hereof, shall be obtained within and not after two years from the
date of such warrants, and no caveat shall be renewed after the
expiration of six months; and our will and pleasure is, that
there shall be reserved in all patents on future warrants, one
tenth part of all mines (other than royal mines totally
excepted) by such grants to be delivered to our receivers at the
pitt's mouth, or at the place of raising the same. Given at
Annapolis this twentieth day of June, in the nineteenth year
of our dominion, &c. Annoque Domini, 1733.
JOHN ROSS , Cl. Council."
LIBER E. E. fol. 484.
" By his Excellency Thomas Bladen, Esq. Governor and
Commander in Chief in and over the Province of
" Whereas proclamations have been heretofore published
within this province, making known unto all persons who had
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