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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 193   View pdf image (33K)
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all lands so resurveyed and not paid for as aforesaid,
to be again subjected to the preemption of the next
discoverer: which said proclamation hath been hitherto little
regarded by the people of this province.

    " Wherefore, for the better enforcing the same, and for
removeing any pretence of surprize upon any of his lordship's
tenants; these are in his said lordship's name to publish and
make known unto all persons whatsoever having or pretending
any right to lands by certificate of resurvey returned and
lodged in his lordship's land office, upon escheat warrants,
upon warrants for vacant cultivations, or upon speciall
warrants for adding contiguous vacancy as aforesaid; that if they
do not apply to the agent, and make purchase of his lordship's
right to such land as aforesaid, and sue out grants thereon
according to the design and purport of the above recited
proclamation, then and in all such cases the several tracts of land
so resurveyed, and now lying upon certificate returned and
lodged in his lordship's land office are subjected as by the
former proclamation to the first discoverer of such deficiency on
failure in the payment of the purchase money or neglect in
making good rights to the same; which discoverer for his
greater encouragement will be allowed the preemption of
the land, so by him discovered to have been held and claimed
by any person or persons whatsoever without paying the
purchase money, or making good rights to vacancies as
aforesaid. Wherefore we charge his lordship's agent and
secretary and all others concerned to take particular notice.
Given at Annapolis, this 13th day of August, 1732.

                                        SAMUEL OGLE."



" By the right honourable the lord proprietary,


        " BALTIMORE.

    " Whereas we thought fit to desist for some time past from
granting any new warrant out of our land office, and as we
are now again pleased to give our tenants liberty of entitling
themselves to lands in this our province, we hereby publish
and declare the further terms, conditions and reservations
upon which any grant or patent shall pass from us for such lands,
to witt: That the annual rent of ten shillings sterling shall be
reserved and payable to us by every such patent for every
hundred acres of land to be granted in such patent, on any
warrant not issued before the date hereof; unless our chancellor
and judge of our land affairs shall determine and direct a


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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 193   View pdf image (33K)
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