at any time obtained special warrants of any kind whatsoever
and returned certificates thereof into the land office, that
unless within two years next after the date of such proclamation,
they did pay and satisfy unto his lordship, or to his agent or
other officer by him appointed to receive the same, such price
as should be agreed upon for escheat, or otherwise forfeited
lands; for vacant cultivated lands and the improvements
made thereupon, and make good rights to contiguous
vacancys added under former surveys according to the import and
true design of such special warrants, and do likewise sue out
grants thereon within the time limited as aforesaid, that then
and in all cases of neglect either in paying the purchase
money or making good rights as aforesaid, his lordship did
thereby recall, revoke and make null his former acts of favour in
the granting of such special warrants, declaring all lands so
resurveyed and not paid for as aforesaid, to be again
subjected to the preemption of the next discoverer, which said
proclamations have been hitherto little regarded by the people of
this province.
Wherefore for the better enforcing the same and for
removing any pretence of surprize upon any of his lordship's
tenants; These are in his said lordship's name to publish and
make known unto all persons whatsoever having or
pretending any rights to lands by certificate of resurvey returned and
lodged in his lordship's land office, upon escheat warrants,
upon warrants for vacant cultivation, or upon special warrants
for adding contiguous vacancy as aforesaid, that if they do
not apply to the agent and make purchase of his lordship's
right to such lands as aforesaid and sue out grants thereon
according to the design and purport of the above recited
proclamation, then and in all such cases the several tracts of land so
resurveyed, and now lying upon certificate returned and
lodged in his lordship's land office, are subjected as by the former
proclamation to the first discoverer of such deficiency or
failure in the payment of the purchase money, or neglect in
making good rights to the same, which discoverer for his greater
encouragement will be allowed the preemption of the lands so
by him discovered to have been held and claimed, by any
person or persons whatsover without paying the purchase money,
or making good rights to vacancies as aforesaid. Whereof
we charge his lordship's agent and secretary and all others
concerned to take particular notice. Given the city of
Annapolis, this seventh day of February, in the 30th year of his
lordship's dominion, Annoq. Domini, 1744.
LIBER, E. E. Folio 237.