to receive the same, such price as has already been or shall
thereafter be agreed upon for all such escheat or forfeited
lands, and shall pay the composition money for surplussage
and make good rights for all vacant lands that shall be added
to former surveys, and also pay for the improvements made
thereon, according to the nature and import of the sundry
warrants and certificates of survey grounded on the same, and
likewise shall sue out grants thereon within the time limited
as aforesaid; that then his lordship hereby declares that he
will recall his former acts of favour as to the land warrants
granted as aforesaid and the certificates of resurvey made
thereon; and doth hereby subject such land to the benefit of
the next discoverer, as if no such resurvey had been made,
and all warrants whereon the certificates of such resurveys
were grounded, are hereby declared to be null and void as if
the said warrants had never been granted: Whereof his
lordship's agent and secretary and all others concerned are
charged to take particular notice. Given at Annapolis, under his
lordship's greater seale at armes, this sixth day of November,
in the tenth year of his lordship's dominion, &c. Anno Domi.
LIBER, C. C. Folio 423.
By his excellency Samuel Ogle, Esquire, lieutenant governor
and commander in chief in and over the province of
" Whereas proclamation hath been heretofore published
within this province, making known unto all persons who had
at any time obtained speciall warrants of any kind whatsoever
and returned certificates thereof into the land office, That
unless within two years next after the date of such
proclamation, they did pay and satisfy unto his lordship or to his agent,
or other officer by him appointed to receive the same, such
price as should be agreed upon for escheat, or otherwise
foreited lands; for vacant cultivated lands and the
improvements made thereupon, and make good rights to contiguous
vacancys, added under former surveys, according to the
import and true design of such speciall warrants, and do
likewise sue out grants thereon within the time limited as
aforesaid; that then, and in all cases of neglect either in paying
the purchase money or making good rights as aforesaid, his
lordship did thereby recall, revoke and make null his former
acts of favour in the granting of such speciall warrants, declaring
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