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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 191   View pdf image (33K)
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upon special warrants, should pay the conditions
thereof in a certain limited time and take out their grants;

    My will therefore is, that a Proclamation be forthwith
issued for taking out such grants within two years from the
date of the said proclamation, upon pain of being refused
grants after that time: and I will have no special warrants
granted henceforward but under the same limitations of time
for the taking out the grants thereof, or less if you think that
expedient. C. B."


                " MARYLAND, ss.

    " By the hon'ble Charles Calvert, Esq. Governour and
        Commander in Chief in and over the Province of


    " Whereas severall persons have applyd to his lordship's
land office for speciall warrants to take up lands cultivated
and improved, which according to the conditions of
plantation could not be affected by common warrants, and others
upon discovery of lands escheated to his lordship, have also
taken out escheat warrants, which warrants have been
generally obtained by persons pretending to have made discoverys
of the said lands, to entitle them to the preemption thereof
as a reward and encouragement for such discoverys, and
haveing obtained such warrants, have either delayed the
execution thereof, or only returned certificates of their surveys,
wholly neglecting the paying his lordship any consideration
for his lands for a considerable number of years; contrary to
the true intent of granting such warrants, and have thereby
hindred such as would gladly take up such lands and pay his
lordship for the same.

    " His lordship therefore, for the better establishing a more
regular method of proceeding in relation to escheat and
speciall warrants in his land office, and to prevent any person's
being surprized by his instructions to Philemon Lloyd,
Esq. his judge in land affairs, dated the 19th of November
last, directed a proclamation to be imediately issued,
intimating that all persons pretending right unto lands within
this province upon certificates grounded upon speciall
warrants, that they should pay the conditions thereof in a
certain limited time and take out their grants thereon, on pain of
being refused such grants on failure thereof.

    " These are therefore in his lordship's name to publish and
make known unto all persons obtaining speciall warrants for
lands escheatable, surplus lands, or lands otherways reserved
by conditions of plantations, that if they do not within two
years next after the date hereof come and pay and satisfie
unto his lordship, his agents, or other persons by him appointed

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 191   View pdf image (33K)
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