her petition sets forth, that the said Philemon Lloyd, being
possessed in his life time of a tract of land called The
Addition, bequeathed the same to his said daughter, and had
previously improved the land by several buildings; that he
had also made a lease of the said land, with stock thereon,
for fifteen years, to John Nunan, who finding that the
houses had, by mistake, been placed without the lines of the
said land, upon his lordship's forest, had by a common
warrant taken the houses and improved lands, and refused to pay
rent, or to account for the stock, under pretence that it was
put to graze on his lordship's said forest¾She therefore
prayed that no patent might issue upon any certificate of the said
Nunan's bearing date within a twelvemonth past, but that
she might, on a full hearing, be enabled by a special warrant,
to take up the said houses and improved land for the benefit
of the said orphan.
" Ordered that no certificate as above described be
admitted; or, if already returned, that no patent be issued thereon
until the petitioner have time to move the board for redress,
and they signify their further pleasure therein."
LIBER C. B. No. 1, folio 177.
After very lengthy proceedings in this case in which it
appeared that Nunan had seated the land in question before
the lease, though on account and by encouragement, of Coll.
Lloyd, the Council determined that the matter was " not
remediable" by them ¾the party aggrieved was therefore
left to the common law, and patent issued to Nunan on his
" Petition of Honora Furness, widow of William Furness of
Somerset County deceased, in behalf of the heir of the said
" The deceased had died possessed of a tract of land, but
through ignorance of the conditions of plantation, had thought
his title sufficient by laying out and duly returning certificate
of the said land, and had neglected to obtain a patent. The
Petitioner prays a warrant of resurvey with liberty to add
about two hundred acres of marsh land, " to prevent evil
minded persons from encroaching thereon to the prejudice
of the said heir." ¾Ordered accordingly."
LIBER C. B. No. 1, folio 185.
" The Hon'ble Clement Hill Esq. one of the executors of
" Richard Gardiner late of St. Maryes county dec'd, moved
" the board, that whereas upon a petition of the said
" Gardiner the 8th of March 1686, to this board for a warrant
" resurvey for Barbartan mannour, the same was granted
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