any special grant or order from his lordship¾they therefore
pray that in consideration of the said Richard's infancy, his
lordship would be pleased to stop the issuing of any warrants
to affect the said lands¾Whereupon,
" Ordered that no advantage be taken against the
" petitioners by reason of any survey made within the bounds, of
" their said lands, but that for the future a stop be put to
" the granting of any special warrants for the resurvey
" thereof until the orphan shall come of age and desire the same,
" or any other person for and on his behalf shall do it."
LIBER C. B. No.1, fol. 19.
" Nicholas Butterham, guardian to William Henry
Bussey, an infant, son and heir of George Bussey, deceased by his
petition sets forth that the said Bussey held, by patent, a
tract of land in Calvert county, laid out for seventy-five
acres, called The Horse Range, to which his said son is
become rightfully entitled; ¾That George Carter had, by a
subsequent survey, taken away the said orphan's plantation and
houses; that the petitioner had thereupon obtained a warrant
to resurvey the said land, with liberty to include the surplus;¾
that upon the said resurvey it was found to contain a
surplusage of 135 acres and 2 roods, but that the said Carter
keeping possession of his 113 acres, although he knew that
the same was within the orphan's bounds, and could not
therefore be affected by a common warrant, the petitioner was
obliged to bring an action of ejectment, and that the
provincial court having ordered a resurvey by a jury and evidence,
the land was on such evidence found to contain within its
ancient bounds 231 acres, so that there were 156 acres of
surplus land; He therefore prayed that his lordship would grant
to the orphan the said surplus, and order a patent of
confirmation for the whole, agreeably to the last mentioned
resurvey:¾aand as the petitioner had been cast in the action of
ejectment through a mistake of the jury, by them
acknowledged, his lordship would grant a writ of error to have the
whole merits of the case brought before his lordship in his
upper house of assembly, and supercedeas upon the
judgement entered in the records of the provincial court."
" Order issued for a supercedeas accordingly, and a
transcript of the proceedings to be transmitted to his lordship
at the next general assembly in order for a hearing upon the
whole merits of the cause as prayed."
LIBER C. B. No. 1, fol. 33.
" Henrietta Maria Lloyd widow of Coll. Philemon Lloyd
deceased, in behalf of her daughter Henrietta Maria Lloyd, by
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