and other duties properly belonging to me, were made,
transacted, settled and passed in his name though to and for my
proper use, account and benefitt; and for as much as you
have upon the death of the said Edward (having no other
estate in the said province, but my estate in trust) taken out
letters of administration of his estate, without sufficient
authority from me or the executors or administrators of the
said Edward; but as I am very well satisfied, to the only end
and purpose that my interest should not suffer in that behalf,
by waiting for authentic powers and authorities, in that point,
which at so great a distance would take up much time and by
that means prove detrimental to my affairs. I do therefore
for me my heirs, executors and administrators, ratify
confirm and hold for good and valid all whatsoever you have
done in the premises, Hereby obliging myself, my heirs
executors and administrators, to have harmless and keep
indemnified as well yourselfe as your heirs, executors and
administrators, of and from all and all manner of suits troubles
accounts claimes or demands whatsoever off by or from the
heirs, executors or administrators, of the said Edward
Somersett, or any other person or persons whatsoever on
account of what you have done or caused to be done in the
premises. Whereas upon the death of my late agent coll.
Henry Darnall there was no person in the said province duly
authorised from me to undertake the receipt and
management of such branches of revenue as my said agent was by
me intrusted, and to supply that defect, you, (least my affairs
and interest should suffer in that respect) taking upon you to
give the necessary directions in the receiving, managing and
remitting to me the effects arising by such branches, I do
therefore ratifie, confirm and hold for good and valid, all
whatsoever you have done or caused to be done in the
premises, in as full, large and ample manner with all incidents
thereunto as if my commission to you bearing even date with
these presents had been actually passed at the time of my
said agents death¾In case of your death before I make any
alterations in the instructions to you, or commissionate
any other person in your room; it is my will and I do
hereby order and impower major Nicholas Sewell, Mr.
Henry Darnall, and Mr. Edward Digges of my said
province, the survivor or survivors of them to take upon them
the execution of the powers and authorities of my
commission bearing even date with these presents, and by these
instructions granted you until further order and directions shall be
by me given in that behalf; who are to continue as register of
my land office at Annapolis, the person at such time by you
employed under you in the said office till further order from
me. Whereas in all grants of land heretofore by my father
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