Ann Arundel county, one hundred acres of land out of the
Ridge manor, as full compensacon for one hundred acres
heretofore taken by his father in the said manor, and a
certificate thereof recorded for himself by virtue of a warrant
duly obtained out of the land office, which said one
hundred acres was by me granted to a certain
Heathcott, which said grant was upon a false surmise or suggestion
by him made to me, or at least that cannott be made appear,
and take the proper methods for vacating the grant of the
said tract of one hundred acres to the said Heathcott.¾
Whereas, I have heretofore by my letter to coll. Henry
Darnall my late agent upon the crown's secretary and chancellor's
taking away for their own use one moiety of the fees
properly belonging to my land office ordered and directed, that an
addition should be made to the price of warrants for taking
up land, and empowered the said colonel Henry Darnall and
yourself being register of my said office, to take and
receive to and for, his and your own proper use and behoof,
such addition made to the price of warrants to make good
and satisfy you for what have been so taken away of the said
fees by the said secretary and chancellor, and least any
question of doubt may hereafter arise whether my letter to my
said agent was a sufficient power for making the said addition
to the price of warrants as aforesaid, and for the taking and
receiving to my said agent's use and your own, the said
addition, I do Now hereby for me, my heirs, executors and
administrators, ratifie confirm and hold, for good and valid
whatsoever my said agent hath done in relation to the said
addition, and his and your receiving the same, do and for his and
your own proper use and behoof. And do further hereby
acquit, exonerate, release and forever discharge, as well the
heirs executors and administrators of the said coll. Henry
Darnall, as yourself, your heirs, executors and
administrators, of and from all claims and demands whatsoever in
refererence to the said addition, hereby further impowering and
authorising you, your executors and administrators, to receive
and take to and for your and their own proper use, such part
of the said addition as may still be outstanding in debts,
whether by bond, account, or otherwise howsoever, altho'
payable to me, or any other in trust for me, hereby further
authorising and impowering you to continue the said additional
price upon warrants so long as the said secretary and
chancellor continue their claim and demand of the said moiety of
the said fee and take and receive the said addition to and for
your own use during your continuance in the office of
register of our land office.
" And whereas my late son-in-law Edward Somersett
esquire, was trustee for me and in my said province of
Maryland, and as such severall bonds, bills of exchange, accounts
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