and myself made, the penalty inserted for non-payment of
any alienation fines, was only the making of the alienation
void which I found by experience to be of little use to me;
and that several persons in my said province have made
several alienations of land without paying me my alienation fines
before such alienacon; to prevent which inconveniency for
the future, you are hereby ordered instead of the clause
heretofore inserted in the grant for the making the alienation void
upon non-payment of the fine, before such alienation, to
insert a proviso for making my grant void in case the
alienation fine reserved be not paid before such alienation. The
severall persons herein before menconed to whome I have
made any allowance in tobacco, are in the first place, if any
of them hold lands of me to discount time rents and arrears
of such lands out of the allowance which I have ordered
you to make them. In case you take out any warrants
yourself and grants of any lands thereupon (it being not proper
you should sign and seal such warrants and grants yourselfe)
major Nicholas Sewell, Mr. Henry Darnall or Mr. Edward
Digges are hereby impowered to sign and seal such warrants
and grants. You are to grant Cecill Butler a warrant or
grant for five hundred acres of land, as a full compensation
for his pretensions on account of his late father-in-law
Robert Carvill on the land formerly belonging to one Roderick,
which was by me granted to Peter Sawyer and James
Heath, as also to grant him a lease for the plantation of St.
Johns near the city of St. Marys pursuant to my directions
heretofore given to collonel Darnall.
You are to grant to Henry Wharton one hundred forty
six acres called The Neighbourhood adjoining to Notley Hall
in case the same belong to me.
You are to grant to Henry Sewell a piece of escheat land
of two or three hundred acres.
You are to grant Gerard Stye a piece or pieces of escheat
land of five hundred acres in all, in full compensation of his
pretensions to five hundred acres sold to his father by Charles
Calvert, and supposed to be within my manor of Anne
Arundel for which I have also given captain Richard Smith a
compensation pretending right thereto from the said Charles
Calvert's father.
You are to grant Anne Duckworth one hundred acres of
land, being in consideration of the like quantity, Hopewell
her former husband pretended a right to in Mattastiny
manor; the said one hundred acres to be out of the Millmannor
in St. Marys county, but with the least prejudice to the
You are hereby required to authorise Mr. Henry Darnall
to let and lease my manors of the western shore at the usual