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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 120   View pdf image (33K)
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such as intend to seat there shall settle betwixt this tyme
and the last of November next and there build and not desert
their plantations: And it is further ordered, that at the
return of colonel Henry Coursay from New York a letter be sent
to the governour of New York to know whether those persons
who have incroached upon his lordship's province doe own him
for their governour, that there may be a right understanding
betwixt the two governments.

        LIBER, R. R. folio 122.



    Whereas William Stevens of Somersett county hath
humbly prayed that those persons of Somersett county that have
pattents to sue out according to his lordship's declaration
in June Anno Dom. one thousand six hundred seventy six
which time therein limitted is now expired, and yet there
being some persons in the said county that have occasion of his
lordship's grace and favour therein expressed but was
prevented attending the secretary's office by reason of the late
troubles with the Indians in those parts (and that is happily
blown over) other urgent occasions in their cropps hindering
also; for the better encouraging the settling of the sea side
and other parts of the said county I do hereby order that the
inhabitants of the said county shall have eight months time
commencing from the date hereof to sue out their pattents
according to his lordship's gracious declarations as if they had
done it within the time limitted provided he or she that claims
the favour of this order, do bring a certificate to the
secretary's office at Saint Marys under the hand and seal of
William Stevens of the said county that they are persons that
deserve his lordship's favour. Given under my hand and lesser
seal of the province the fourteenth day of June in the third
year of the dominion of the right honourable Charles over
Maryland &c. Annoque Domini one thousand six hundred
seventy eight.

                            (L.S.) THOMAS NOTLEY.

    To the hon'ble William Calvert, Esq.
        princip'l secratary of the province of

    LIBER, No. 19, fol. 636.




    Whereas the right honourable the lord proprietary of
this province by his gracious proclamacon bearing date
The third day of June in the first year of his lordship's

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 120   View pdf image (33K)
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