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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 121   View pdf image (33K)
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dominion &c. Anno Domini one thousand six hundred seventy
six, by the advice of his lordship's councell did publish
proclaime and declare that his said lordship would take no
advantage of any lapse of tyme either in proving of rights returning
of certificates or demanding grants or patents for any lands
due to any adventurer or planter within this province: Provided
such right title and claime to any such lands be proved and
patents sued out for the same within two years after the date
of the said proclamacon. And whereas severall persons
inhabitants of this province have informed me, that by reason of
the late troubles with the Indians, and other urgent occasions
in their cropps hindering, they could not attend the secretary's
office for sueing out their patents and making good other
defects in the lapse of tyme as to the return of certificates and
making good rights, and humbly prayed eight months tyme
more for the doeing thereof. Being willing to comply with the
reasonable request of the said inhabitants and for the settling
their mindes and estates, I doe hereby (by and with the
advice and consent of his lordship's councell) publish proclaime
and declare, that no advantage shall be taken of any lapse of
tyme either to the sueing out of patents for land or other
defects whatsoever in any inhabitant of this province, but that all
such inhabitants shall have and are hereby allowed eight
months tyme commencing from the date hereof for the
effectual doeing the same. Given att the citty of Saint Marys
under the great seal of the said province of Maryland the
nineteenth day of June in the third year of his lordship's
dominion &c. Annoque Domini, 1678.

    LIBER R. R. fol. 164.


    " You are hereby willed and required forthwith upon
receipt hereof, to desist from prooveing or receiveing into the
office the probate of any rights, or issueing out any warrants
for any rights, but what are already and before the date hereof
returned unto and recorded in the land office. But for the
future any person or persons desireing to take up land within
this province, you are to grant to him or them warrants for
what quantity of land they shall desire, at the rate of one
hundred pounds of tobacco per fifty acres; to be laid out in
any part of this Province, except at the heads of the rivers
on the Eastern Shore, the sea board side and the
Whorekills, which shall be granted to any person adventurer or others
desireing the same at the rate of fifty pounds of tobacco per
fifty acres, and the usuall rent of four shillings per hundred
acres according to the conditions of plantation last in force;
paying also your fees of twelve pence sterling for drawing


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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 121   View pdf image (33K)
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